Heritage Christian University College Holds 5th Congregation Ceremony

Graduating Class of 2023.

The Heritage Christian University College based in Amasaman in the Greater Accra Region Saturday, December 9, 2023, held its 5th graduation ceremony where 66 students graduated with the awards of Bachelor Degrees in the various accredited programs offered by the University.

In his address, the President of Heritage Christian University College, Dr. Samuel Twumasi-Ankrah reminded the graduates that as they celebrate their academic achievement today, they should understand the profound responsibility that comes with the education they have received at the Heritage Christian University College.

Dr. Samuel Twumasi-Ankrah, President-HCUC.

He indicated that, all through their stay they were exposed to values that would make their lives and careers outstanding in any field.

Dr. Twumasi-Ankrah continued by saying the genuine measures and character of their success would be put to the test and believed that they would not disgrace the college.

He then said, that their career and life success is going to be determined not by their academic qualification as important as that is by the virtue of their conviction

“At all times keep developing conviction based on God’s words and will, saying, that will provide you an immovable foundation of sound character,” he advised.

The guest speaker of the program, Brant Bryan who doubles as the Managing Director of the Cresa Capital Markets in the USA also stated that life is by choice and there are many roads people use to get to their destinations, it could be muddy, rough, or hard roads.

Brant Bryan, Managing Director, Cresa Capital Markets-USA

Brant Bryan said, that when choosing a road, it would be better for everyone to first choose the hard road, stressing that struggling and testing is how we grow because it is in failing that we learn.

He mentioned that many world’s richest men we know today including Ellon Musk all failed woefully but they did not give up and are doing well in life, therefore he entreated the graduands that as they step out into the world they would encounter a lot of challenges but they should not be discouraged because with hard work, prayers and determination they would also make it.

Stephen Benson, Overall best graduating student-2023.

Speaking to Kingdom FM’s KONTIHEN KOFI OBOH, the overall best-graduating student and best accounting graduate, Stephen Benson mentioned that in 23yrs ago, after writing the Basic Education Certificate Examination, he scored an aggregate 33 and if today he was being adjudged the overall best student he will give thanks to God for how far he has brought him.

He then entreated his colleagues to focus on what was ahead of them but not the position they gained after graduation and go all out and make a difference, because, he had an aggregate 33 in B.E.C.E and did not let the result bring him down and has placed overall best graduating student in the Heritage Christian University College.

Source// Obohnewsonline.com.

By// Kontihen Kofi Oboh.

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